PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK Slasher Ditch Day Comes with Daring Drinking Game - READ MORE
Los Angeles, Calif., - Producers of the indie slasher film Ditch Day, also known as Ditch Day Massacre, created the “Ditch Day Drinking Game” for the fans to ensure viewers have extra fun. Viewers become potential victims who strive to survive the movie killer Vick (Bill Oberst Jr.) by earning the most points by the end. Vick, a suited killer with an axe to grind, is on the hunt for players who pass out, puke, or score too low. Intense and shameless, the game comes with its own disclaimer: there is no mercy, so play at your own risk. The game calls for friends, booze, and the will to survive.
DITCH DAY MASSACRE wins at Burbank International Film Festival. read more
Megan Waters, Zach Silverman, Katy Foley with BIFF award for best horror feature film.
Ditch team on red carpet at Burbank International Film Festival.
Cast members sit down with RAVENOUS MONSTER. read more
"Ditch Day Massacre is horror done right! It’s exciting, with a great story, great acting, and lots of blood! This is another damn fine performance by Bill Oberst Jr."
Michael Juvinall,
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